Doctor of Philosophy
Supervisor: Dr. Megan Strickfaden
Thesis title: Doors, doors, doors: Material object analysis of an architectural element as a proxy for post-occupancy evaluations.
This case study is an exploration of the contribution people living with complex disabilities provide in the design of their daily material environment. Particular focus will be provided to the following areas:
- design process: how these designs are developed
- engagement process: how people living with complex disabilities contribute to decisions regarding this design
- evaluation process: how these designs can be evaluated to determine how successful they are.
Publications or other research contributions:
Pinchbeck, L. with residents at Lifestyle Options, Edmonton. (premiere: 2019) House Friendly. Strickfaden, M. (director), Barrett, A. (art director, sound design, editor), Bergen, M. (writer), Wickman, R. (original story), Schmidts, J. (lead artist) + Pinchbeck, L. (producer). Illustrating Design as Therapy, AGE-WELL.
Pinchbeck, L. with residents at Lifestyle Options, Edmonton. (premiere: 2019) Papa’s Chair. Strickfaden, M. (director), Barrett, A. (art director, sound design, editor), Bergen, M. (writer), McGinnis, V. (lead artist) + Pinchbeck, L. (producer). Illustrating Design as Therapy, AGE-WELL.
Pinchbeck, L. with residents at Copper Sky, Spruce Grove. (premiered: July 11, 2018) Brain Games. Strickfaden, M. (director), Barrett, A. (art director, sound design, editor), Bergen, M. (writer), Pinchbeck, L. (lead artist & workshop coordinator), Thomas, A. (producer). Illustrating Design as Therapy, AGE-WELL.
Strickfaden, M., L. Pinchbeck (2019) Giving Voice to Older Adults through Co-created Films: Learning how Designed things can support the aging process. ICCER, University of Alberta, June 4.
Pinchbeck, L., M. Strickfaden (2019) Relationships developed through co-creation. University of Alberta Graduate Student Symposium, Telus Centre, Edmonton, May 2019.
Pinchbeck, L., M. Strickfaden (2019) Quinzhee: protective clothing system for seated clientele. Course presentation for S. Proulx, Rick Hansen Foundation Professional Accessibility Assessor Certificate Training Course, SAIT, Calgary, May 8-11.
Pinchbeck, L., M. Strickfaden (2019) My walker makes me immobile: an autoethnographic exploration of a mobility device. Alberta Human Ecology Association Conference 2019, Leduc, April 26-28.
Pinchbeck, L. (2019) Universal Design: > Curb Cuts + Grab Bars at ICCER (Institute for Continuing Care Education + Research) Professional Development Sessions: April 8 (Calgary) + 11 (Edmonton), 2019
Pinchbeck, L. (2019) Planning with marginalized people. Course workshop for Dr. K. Whitfield: HGP515/PLAN515: Community Planning + Engagement, University of Alberta, March 26.
Pinchbeck, L., C. Fiorentino, M. Strickfaden (2018) Discoveries from Workshops Co-Creating Art with Resident Artists at Canadian Association on Gerontology Conference, Vancouver, October 2018.