Jonathan Lai

Master of Science in Aging (Thesis based)

Supervisor: Dr. Janet Fast

Thesis title: The Risks of Workplace Ageism for an Ageing Labour Force

Ageism in the workplace is a complex phenomenon that encompasses prejudices, acts of age discrimination, and cognitive biases that can contribute to the differential treatment of workers based on their age. Previous studies have demonstrated the detrimental effects that perceived and experienced age discrimination can have on worker engagement, which is an immersive and positive psychological state that an individual can experience while in their job role. The absence of positive psychosocial job factors, such as perceived organizational support, peer and co-worker support, meaningful work, and access to workplace education and training, can also reduce the engagement of workers. This study provides insight into this important issue by asking: Does worker age affect the relationships between positive psychosocial job factors and worker engagement? To address this question, data collected by Statistics Canada in the General Social Survey (GSS), Cycle 30: Canadians at Work and Home, will be analyzed using structural equation modelling (SEM) techniques. Findings from this research will help inform workplace strategies that prevent age discrimination and support equitable human resources policies for an ageing labour force.

Publications and other research contributions:

Lai, J. [Jon Lai]. (2020, October 8). CRDCN20 3MT – The Risks of Workplace Ageism for an Ageing Labour Force [Video]. YouTube.

Curriculum vitae