Doctor of Philosophy in Human Ecology
Dr. Megan Strickfaden
Research Area:
My area of research lies at the intersection of disability studies and material culture, with a particular focus on fashion hacking. This innovative field examines how adaptive clothing can empower individuals with disabilities, challenging traditional norms and enhancing inclusivity. By exploring the ways in which fashion can be modified or “hacked” to meet diverse needs, my work delves into the material culture of disability, highlighting the importance of personal expression and functionality in clothing. Through a combination of theoretical analysis and practical experimentation, I investigate how adaptive fashion not only addresses the physical requirements of individuals with disabilities but also affirms their identity and agency. This involves studying the design processes, the socio-cultural implications of adaptive fashion, and the personal narratives of those who engage with these customized garments. By bridging the gap between disability studies and material culture, my research aims to shed light on the often-overlooked fashion needs of the disabled community, advocating for a more inclusive and representative approach to fashion design.