Doctor of Philosophy Supervisor: Dr. Adam Galovan Research Area: I will be focusing on couples relationships.
Doctor of Philosophy Supervisor: Dr. Adam Galovan Research Area: I will be focusing on couples relationships.
Doctor of Philosophy Supervisor: Dr. Janet Fast Dissertation Title: Caring Beyond Borders: Transnational Family Caregiving in Canada “What led me to pursuing a PhD in aging and care research was the intimate memories I have being raised by my grandmother […]
Doctor of Philosophy Supervisor: Dr. Arlene Oak Dissertation Title: Developing and debating bicycle lanes: People, streets, and talk. City streets can become contested spaces when new types of material infrastructures, such as bike lanes, are retrofitted into them. I examine public […]
Doctor of Philosophy Supervisor: Dr. Megan Strickfaden Thesis title: Doors, doors, doors: Material object analysis of an architectural element as a proxy for post-occupancy evaluations. This case study is an exploration of the contribution people living with complex disabilities provide […]